🏚ī¸Land Owner Glossary


Land Number

Land Number can be used to search for your Land and Clan.

Land Menu

Switch Between Land Pool, Shop and Tax Rewards

Land Pool



Number of players on the Land


A customizable tax on player activity on the land, which is set by the Land Owner

Land Tax Rewards

Represents the tax from player activity on the Land.

Rice Kingdom Tax Rewards

Represents the 10% of land tax that each landowner collected, which is shared equally amongst all Land Owners


Collecting adds the accumulated rewards to the Rice Pool The accumulated rewards include Land Tax and Rice Kingdom rewards.

Rice Pool Balance

Rice Pool is the Land Owner equivalent of the players' "Rice Bag" It represents share of the game reward pool


Redeem is the Land Owner equivalent of the players' "Rice Renewal" It converts the share of the game reward pool to SSS. After Redeeming, there is a cooldown before it can be used again.

Shop Rewards


Rewards from Shop

Some SSS is collected here when a player on your land makes a purchase from the in-game shop


Claim the Shop Rewards to your in-game wallet as SSS

Trading Tax Rewards


Trading Tax Reward

When SSS is traded, there is a tax collected. Each land receives a portion of the trading tax.


Claim the trading tax rewards to your in-game wallet as SSS