
The Mega War isn't just a battle; it's a grand buffet of bravery where clans roll up for glory, dip into strategy, and slice through the competition.

Rules of Engagement

  • Each season last for 5 days, and it's extended 10 minutes for every player action (levelling a samurai)

  • The time extension only happens if there is a player action in the final minute of the countdown. If there are no player actions in the final minute, the the season officially ends.

  • Only the top 20 Lands from the previous Landwar is eligible to participate.

Clan Victory

  • The Clan with the highest Clan Level at the end of the season is the winner

  • The Clan level depends on the total amount of levels were gained by Clan Member starting from the moment they joined the Clan

  • The Clan Lord will receive 20% of the reward, and the remaining 80% is split among all Clan Members equally.

Joining a clan

  • View clans and the current leaderboard by 'Mega War' tab

  • Clan Lords needs to approve requests to join the clan

Creating a Clan

Creating a clan requires Land. In addition, only the top 20 Lands from the previous Landwar is eligible.

đŸ¯Lord of the Clan

Last updated