

  • A referral code is required to create an account

  • Referral codes are unlimited uses

Pre-launch (28th Feb - 20th March)

  • When a player completes a quest, 10% bonus as referral points is given to the Referrer

  • When pre-launch ends, a player's total points from Quest and Referrals will be used to determine the airdrop allocation

  • Claiming airdrop begins shortly after game launch

  • It's a once-off claim that can be done anytime from between 1 - 100 days, and claim amount increases over time based on a parabolic curve

Referral Points are only used for Pre-launch

Game launch

  • The Referrer gets 5% of in-game shop spend by a referral account

  • The Referrer 's pet collecting speed is buffed every time a Referral account makes a purchase from in-game shop

Legendary NFT Skin Quest

10% Points from referrals (the Refs need Connect X and have their own child referrals)